Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Another Calendar Page Turned

Welcome to October...how in the world can it be October...already?!?! Another situation that we blink and another month has passed. With this blink three quarters of the year...behind us! I made a quick trip to Kroger this morning to get a couple of things that I need for a dish that I'm making for a pot luck lunch that our Sunday School class is having on Thursday. After lunch, Donna and I met at the library to work for a couple of hours. We got some more books closer to being ready for the shelves. We got slowed down a bit when I had a paper jam on our printer...that was a first...and we have had the printer for many years. We did manage to get it unjammed and back to printing all on our own. After I got home, I got the garbage taken to the road for pick up tomorrow. Then I got down to business in making the first part of my dish for Thursday's pot luck lunch. I got my sauce made for a pasta dish. Tomorrow is a busy day...so I decided that I had better get the part of the recipe that takes the longest finished and in the refrigerator waiting for me to put it all together and get it baked on Thursday. Melany called and we talked while each of us cooked...hope we didn't forget any ingredients! I'm ready to sit for a while this evening. I guess I will watch tonight's debate and put a few stitches into my sampler that I'm working on. I did put a few stitches in earlier this afternoon before I headed to the library. I'm rather tired this evening...wonder if the debate will put me to sleep! I've also had a sinus headache...hope that the debate doesn't make it worse! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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