Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday Doings

Today was the day for our Sunday School class potluck lunch. We met at Sherry G's house and had a good turn out. She had recently remodeled her house so besides visiting and eating good food, we got a tour of all the changes she had made. Very nice! As always, we had a good time visiting with each other. And, we had LOTS of good eats! Ruth stopped and picked me up so we rode over together and got more visiting time both going and coming back. I was ready to just sit when I got home. I don't think that I snoozed today, but I did read for a while. I'm settling in for the night and going to watch some TV and stitch for a while. I think that I will be staying close to home the next couple of days after all my galavanting this week! I have a few things that I probably "should" do that I haven't been home to do! We'll see what gets done! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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