Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Tutu for January 2!

Here's the tutu that Joy made for Esther for Christmas. Didn't Joy do a great job! I'm hearing the wind outside and just looked out the window and can see snowflakes floating in the light provided by the street light. The day started out rainy...Woody took his four-mile walk in the rain this morning. It is already down to 19...looks like it is going to be a cold one! I have done about as little as possible today. I have had a sinus/allergy problem the last couple a good time to sort through things and do a lot of sitting. Today I completed an alphabetical list of features/items on our new car along with page numbers in the manual. I will put the page into the manual and when we need to find out something, hopefully, we will be able to turn to a corresponding page and find out what we need to know. Perhaps this won't be necessary...but at least it familiarized me with the features! I also finished going through the Christmas magazines that I had saved over the years. I have really enjoyed looking through them during the Christmas season, but I have decided that I will throw most of them away. I think that I have kept two magazines and also saved a few pages that I tore out. That was a job that was able to be done in my recliner with music or a TV show playing on my iPad. I do feel some better so maybe I'll move around and actually accomplish a couple of things tomorrow! As Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day!" Woody received word today that his book is going to the printer...what a lot of work over the last months (really years) that represents...more details forthcoming!

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