Friday, January 31, 2014

End In Sight!

As January draws to a close, I can say that the last of the Christmas decorations found their way into boxes today and are now all in the upstairs hall awaiting Woody's puzzle making skills to fit them back in the Christmas closet. I was very happy to close the last box before I had lunch today. Then a little after lunch I called Nathan and told him that the tree box awaited him and Graham. They came over and took that heavy, awkward box up the stairs and into the closet. Earlier Woody carried the corner tree box upstairs and also put it into the Christmas closet. Both those large boxes need to be in place prior to the rest of the boxes being placed. I still do have one big job and that is to go through the Christmas wrap, boxes, bags and tissue and get it under the moment it has taken over the guest room. I will do that another day as I am just glad to have Christmas out of the downstairs! Now to get the downstairs back to "normal" decor...again, another day! I did venture out this afternoon to go to the pharmacy down the street to pick up one of my prescriptions. Woody had his early appointment at the radiologists this morning. This afternoon he headed out on a four-mile walk. The first walk he has taken in a while since it has been so cold and also since he hasn't felt the best. I talked to Melany a little while ago. She plans to come tomorrow for some more baby holding time with Joseph. Woody saw Joseph in person for the first time today. He still hasn't held him as he still has a lingering cough and sneezes.

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