Monday, February 13, 2023

Busy Day…Going to Be a Busy Week

What a day! I got up and was downstairs around 6:30am, but guess who wasn't awake yet! When Woody is sleeping, I really hate to wake him up. So I did a few things that needed to be done sometime today. I guess it was good to get them done while I had energy...or they might not have gotten done! He woke up fairly soon and I got him his breakfast and then started setting up for today's dialysis treatment. It takes an hour or a little more to get everything set up. I was close to finished, when the home health nurse called wanting to come this morning. She said that she could be here by 9am so I told her to come on and I wouod connect him after she left. She came and went and we got down to time to do the cannulating/sticking. I didn't have the easiest time, but did mamage to get both needles in and started the treatment up and not long after it got underway I started getting yellow warnings about the arterial pressure being too high. I did the couple of things that I knew to do and then called Davida. She told me a couple of things to check...still didn't change the message. So she said that she would come since it was too hard to explain what else might need to be done. I did move the lines a little in two different places while I waited for her to come. When she got here...she checked the arterial line with a saline syringe and it flushed in no problems and then we upped the pump speed and all was fine. So we're not sure what the problem was...or who held their mouth just right to make it work! But as far as she could tell there were no problems and the machine behaved itself the rest of the treatment. Davida just came for those few minutes and the rest of the time we were on our own. She gave me "credit" for doing it all myself since we don't know what made it stop giving the warning. We told Davida that maybe the machine was missing her so messed up just so she would come! I forgot to mention, that I had just picked up the first needle to stick him and the phone rang. It was PT and she wanted to come at 1pm. I told her that it had better be 2pm since we still didn't have the treatment going. She ended up coming around 3pm...about 1/2 hour after Woody was freed from the machine. I was confused when I heard her voice as she had set up a time on Wednesday morning so she could work with him on a day he hadn't just had dialysis. I mentioned that and she had forgotten...or couldn't read her writing on her calendar! It surely does make it hard to plan a day! So we were done with medical "stuff" around 4pm. We had the prayer group come to our house again this evening and they left about 30 minutes ago. Seems like a whirlwind day...and this is nothing as to what will go on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday...those days we have appointments outside the house...two in Tullahoma and one in dialysis on Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday we have to fit dialysis in after the appointments. Hoping that home health can fugure out their schedule! I have told them our schedule so they will have to make do with the hours that are left in the week! It was a beautiful spring-like day sky and all. My miniature jonquils have popped their little heads up and several have even opened. Nice to go out to get the mail and not freeze! Tomorrow's another day, as Scarlett said! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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