Sunday, February 19, 2023

Up and At Um

Today has been a pretty good day. Woody is improving by leaps and bounds. I think he has pretty much surprised all who were a part of his drama on Friday morning. Routine things have happened today. He did spend about 4-1/2 hours in the recliner. He did a lot of the helping getting him transferred. They have a neat device that helped him move from bed to chair and back again. It couldn't be used the last visit because of the non-weight-bearing orders. But this time is so different. He has had several ultra sounds...a couple looking at his graft and a couple getting an IV placed. But no real drama today. He has seen the team who plan to work on his graft tomorrow. They hope to be able to bust the clot, but...the shape of it may make it hard or impossible to break the clot up. If they can't then they will place a catheter line in his chest like he had before the graft was put in when we started hemodialysis. For the possible surgical procedure he can't have anything to eat or drink after midnight tonight. Speaking of eating, he was put on a regular diet and had two big meals today and he ate just about every bite. He has eaten today in one day more than he has eaten over the last few months. Hopefully this is the start of putting some meat back on his bones! The other news is that he is no longer an ICU patient. He has graduated to the step-down unit...BUT...I guess they aren't ready for him or none to anxious to get him as we are still hanging out in ICU. There is a very real possibility that we will be transferred in the middle of the night. That happened to us back in December. We were oved from the ER to a room at 3am. I guess--a down time for the night shift? WE are ready to go. I have all our bags at the ready to scoop up and take with us when the transfer person comes. Melany spent the morning and some of the afternoon with us. Woody is back in his bed, had a good supper, and been working crossword puzzles. His nurse who was with him from the moment he came to Vandy on Friday stopped in to see him and was amazed at how well was doing and couldn't believe that he was already moving to a step-down room. Her comment to Woody was that he actually does have color in his lips! We have had just the best medical staff and care far. Going home has been mentioned, but I know about Vandy's timing! I will say that I'm pretty sure that we are here through Tuesday as I imagine that they will want him to have dialysis on Tuesday using whatever they end up doing tomorrow. Then if all is well, he might be discharged. But, as I have learned, I won't hold my breath. PT is supposed to see him tomorrow as is wound should be a busy day! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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