Saturday, February 4, 2023

Mission Aborted

Thinking in NASA terms with tonight's blog title. Got up this morning, with every intention to do Woody's dialysis...fed Woody breakfast and got underway with setup. Everything went as it is supposed everything set up, all the pre treatment part of the flow sheet filled out. Got Woody out to the scale chair and Got him weighed (not easy for him to transfer from recliner to wheelchair to scale chare and back to hus recliner and situated for connecting him. The first problem was that his blood pressure was low, bit waited and took it again...and again...and finally it had come up enough to get him started. Once he is started I can give him a saline bolus to help raise it some more if is still low on his first BP after we get him started. I got everything ready and it was time for the needle sticks. I had a little trouble with the first one (arterial), but got it in and it was working correctly. So...on to the second one, the venous side of his graft. That stick is usually the easiest for me, but not today. I ended up having to stick him twice and both times had the same problem...could not get the flow of blood established. I decided that I wasn'to try again...enough pokes for one day, Our dialysis nurse told me yesterday that if problems arose that it would ve okay to skip today and tomorrow since he had had four good treatments in a row. I really didn't want to quit, but cried uncle and freed Woody and shut down the machine and did the tear down. Not the way I wanted our day to go! Since I couldn't get dialysis going, I decided to do our grocery shopping...which I had planned to do anyway once his dialysis was finished. I rested for a while once shoppung and putting away was done. Woody chose to have a peanut butter sandwich for lunch...he hadn't had one of those in a long time. I am taking a break from my cooking to blog and rest my back. I am in the midst of making one of Woody's requests while he was in rehab,,,Swedish meatballs. They served him Swedish meatballs while he was there and he said they were awful! He remembers having them at a potluck supper at church and he loved those. He was so disappointed with how bad they tasted that he asked me to make some when he got home. I'm wondering where mine will fall...hopefully between the wonderful ones he remembers and the bad ones he just had! I'm pretty sure that I have made them before...but obviously mine aren't the ones remembered! But we will see if mine at least surpass the rehab's...hopefully that isn't hard! Well, tonight Woody isn't feeling all that great...he looks pretty pale...I think it is a blood pressure problem when he goes from lying down to sitting up. He's been lying down on the couch and is now wanting to transfer to the wheel chair so I can wheel him into the bathroom. He's just sitting on the couch for the moment. I decided that I wouldn't post this till I could say he is safely back on the couch. Let's just say he is still very weak. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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