Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday Summary

Today has been interesting...not our normal Sunday routine. Guess no routine will be normal for a while. We both went to Sunday School and then came home and watched our church service online. To that point it was a normal Sunday. On our way home, I got a message from a nurse affiliated with our home health agency. She wanted me to call her back because she wanted to come TODAY for his evaluation after his hospital stay. I thought that we would be free from home health over the weekend...but, no. Oh, well, that has him back in the system and it will get the ball rolling for a nurse, PT, and OT to come. We still have to get wound care back in the picture, but the nurse told me that one of the things that she was to do tomorrow was to contack the wound care I'm going to let her be the contact and I don't plan on making a call to them. I have gotten underway with undecorating...that will be an ongoing task for a while, but it is started! We had been seeing flies around which seemed unusual for this time of year...and, then I started noticing a finally occurred to me that perhaps, just perhaps, our chumney had become a deadly trap for one of our neighborhood squirrels! I realized it when I got over close to the fireplace to take some snowmen off the mantle...and finally out two and two together! Nathan stopped by after church and helped take care of the critter. I'm guessing that he got trapped in there back in December when we were at the we never heard the desparate rattle of a critter trying to get out...reason that we were oblivious until the two clues made themselves known...smell and unexpected fly population. Nathan worked hard to take care of both problems...we'll see/smell if problem isn't resolved. For those familiar with the story Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in the Bible, which is what we studied this morning, I thought that what we experienced here was a teaching moment of the "stink of death!" Rolling eyes a bit at being a part of that example for the Bible lesson...would have rather skipped that teaching moment! Thr reason that Nathan stopped by and got to do this unpleasant task for is is that he brought back Woody's laptop...hopefully it is fixed for a while. We really appreciate for Abigail's boyfriend taking the time to fix this wayward laptop...again! Woody is happy to have his crossword helper back...Alexa isn't always the greatest help with the tough clues! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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