Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I just spent time getting a picture ready to post on the blog. I have what is called a "Passport," a small external hard drive...and, that is where I store my pictures. Last night I downloaded the pictures onto the Passport and downloaded the one I was going to use on the blog onto my laptop so I wouldn't have to bring the Passport downstairs while I was blogging. It is small, but just one more thing to carry down to the lobby. Well, tonight I got the picture ready, but didn't download it to my laptop...and I didn't realize it till I was downstairs. picture tonight as I am too lazy to load up the laptop, go back upstairs, get the passport, and come back down!

We left the hotel at 7:30am and didn't return till 5:30pm (and we were both awake by 3:30am!). Woody had labwork, MRI of his brain, spleen and liver, and CT scans. We had a lot of down time between appointments, but he just wanted to stay at NIH the whole time. We went back upstairs and saw some nurses that we hadn't seen the day before. We saw several of his doctors in various parts of the hospital. He read, I napped, I hand embroidered on the quilt top that I'm making for Joy, we both people watched...really the day went by fairly quickly. So those tests are behind for apheresis in the morning and then we meet with the doctor/doctors tomorrow afternoon and see if anything "good" is happening to his tumors at this point. They don't expect to see much on the first month check...they expect more at next month's check.

Woody wore his guinea pig shirt today and got many comments...most positive...except for the doctor who has disliked it from the first time that he saw it!

Prayer concern: Hurricane Earl...I heard someone who lives in the area predict that Friday all DC airports would be closed (the way it was tracking at that time...but since hurricanes are so unpredictable there is no telling what will happen Friday)...our flight leaves Friday perhaps pray for uncomplicated and safe traveling experience (or is this to be part of our NIH adventure...experience a hurricane?). I hope that we at least know far enough ahead if our flight is cancelled and that we have a safe place till the storm passes by. It's not supposed to come "really" close...but close enough for winds to be high enough to cancel flights...time will tell!

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