Friday, June 7, 2013

On the Road Again!

On the road again to another doctor appointment for Woody...this one to remove the stitches from the place that they removed the basal cell carcinoma two weeks ago. He also had another place biopsied to make sure that it wasn't cancer. We traveled back roads both coming and going. Tonight's photo shows the one lane bridge that we cross. It was obvious that it had been under water recently...some time in the last two weeks! The bridge had dried mud on it and there were a couple of quite large in a tree or two that had obviously been swept over the road when the river had flowed over. Woody got a call after we got back saying that the lab report on the biopsy of two weeks ago showed that they had clear margins around what they had removed...not sure why they didn't tell him while he was there...or why he didn't ask! After we got back Woody did our weekly grocery shopping. Tonight is family night at the VBS that the grandchildren are attending so I'm on the way over their house to put Isaac to bed while Kathy, Nathan and Elijah go to join the children for the end of VBS celebration.

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