Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Twas The Night Before...

At least for some this is the night before Thanksgiving. But for us we still have several days till our Thanksgiving. Today has been a day of "borrowing" between neighbors (Nathan & Kathy and us). First I couldn't find the right sized dish that I wanted to make our Autumn Salad in. So I went next door and got one the size that I needed. Then a little later Abigail came over to our house and borrowed a cup of sugar. And, then a little later she came back for some more. Not long after that Joy showed up with a tear in one of her pairs of pants. After I got our supper casserole in the oven, she and I went upstairs and I did a quick fix on it. She said that they were going to have a Pilgrim play and that Pilgrim's wear black and white and this was her only pair of black pants!!! Then this evening Graham showed up needing to borrow the turkey roasting pan. They are having one of Kathy's sisters and her family for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I did a little more for our Saturday Thanksgiving feast this morning--made the gelatin salad. And, I made a casserole for our supper tonight. Woody helped me keep up with dishes in the kitchen...he has done the dishes that don't go in the dishwasher. I think that I am through in the kitchen for tonight. Woody did go to the chiropractor this morning. It is pretty brrrrrrrrrrrrry around here. It is 21 deg. at the moment and by morning it is supposed to be in the teens. I plan to stay in and try to stay warm. More tasks to make Saturday easier are planned for tomorrow. I still am croaky and coughing.

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