Monday, September 11, 2017

Irma Gets In On The Countdown (4)

Here's the current WeatherBug radar for Irma.  Tullahoma is located where the red pin is. The red triangle in the upper right corner of the WeatherBug screen is an alert for a Wind Advisory...the wind advisory is in effect from 4pm today to 7am tomorrow.  It started raining lightly sometime between 3 & 4pm and has steadily increased.  Woody just came in from Monday night prayer meeting at church and said that it was a real rain now (meaning no longer light) and that the wind was starting to pick up.  I'm hoping that the winds don't get such that we will have power outages.  Huntsville was saying that the wind speeds could be such that there were possibilities of outages.

The countdown till Cheryl continues...and the number seems to be decreasing rapidly!  Today the count is just four more days.  I don't mind the days before her arrival going by quickly, but wish that they would slow down their pace while she is here!  But probably time will probably fly by even faster than normal!  Woody is having allergy problems so chose not to walk this morning.  He planted garlic instead.  He is counting on this rain settling some of whatever he is allergic to.Woody went to the Life Care Center today and had Bible study with Jeff and then visited with church members.  I continued to do "this and that" around the house.  Yesterday evening I did decide to sit in the sewing room and dust all the pictures on the top of the bookcases that takes up one side of the sewing room.  Just a job that doesn't get done very often and having company is an incentive to do it...though we will probably spend next to no time in the sewing room!  I also ended up making the small wall hanging that I had been planning for sometime to make to hang in our bathroom. So I mixed a little sewing into the countdown. This morning I decided to do several cleaning jobs in the kitchen...started on the stove side of the kitchen and did some extra cleaning which included the stove top.  Of course, I am now asking myself just exactly why I did that as I decided to do some cooking this evening and of course have messed up the stove...but hopefully it will be a quick clean up. The recipe that I made is hopefully going to be one of our meals while Cheryl is here.  I have never frozen it before so not exactly sure how it will freeze...guess time will tell...and Cheryl will be the guinea pig to see if it works!  I spent quite a while in the kitchen as the recipe started out with deboned chicken thighs...Woody skinned the chicken thighs and I deboned them and then decided to go ahead and make the recipe.

I guess we are battening down the hatches and settling in for a rainy & windy night.  I'll let you know tomorrow how we have or are faring Irma...unless we don't have power!

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