Thursday, May 19, 2022

It's Finally Nifty…Nathan is Really Fifty

The first thing that I thought today was that I feel ever so much better than I did 50 years ago...and, that's saying a lot since I have to add 50 years to my 24 years at the time Nathan was born! And, the reason being was that I was very sick with a an acute kidney infection and had entered the hospital the day before with a 105° temperature and had Nathan in the middle of the night. I guess it was just too hot in the oven for him and he decided to be born three weeks early. After having him, I did start grtting better fairly quickly, but I was still running a high fever off and on for a couple of days. The other thing that I remembered as I was sitting at Joseph's ballgame tonight that it wouldn't be too many nights after Nathan was born and I was out of the hospital, but Nathan was still in the hospital that Woody and I were sitting in Candlestick Park in San Francisco watching the St. Louis Cardinals play the San Francisco Giants. Mother flew in from AZ before Nathan came home from the hospital to help out since I had been so sick to help with both Melany and Nathan. I think it was the night before Nathan came home that Woody and Inwent to the that was 5 days after he was born, as he came home when he was six days old. They kept him extra days because of my infection to watch him. They considered him immature rather than premature. He weighed 5 lbs. and 12 oz and was 18" long. He was born in a more progressive state when it came to in Tullahoma when Melany was born...the rule was absolutely no fathers in the delivery room plus if there was more than one mother in labor, the father couldn't stay with the mother! But in California, my doctor encouraged father's to be in the delivery room...but that was a moot point...neither the doctor nor Woody got to the hospital before Nathan was born. But progressive as California was even in 1972, since Nathan was in the NICU (not sure that is what it was called back then...but in a special nursery for babies born early, small, with problems, etc), we weren't allowed to be with him or hold him or even touch him until he was ready to come home! How things have changed for the better! So the first time either of us touched him was the day we brought him home. We could only look through the nursery window at him. After I was released, Woody and I would go to the hospital to look in the window at him after Woody got home from work. I'm glad that only lasted a couple of days till we could take him home! Anyway...I definitely feel better today than I did 50 years ago! Today has been very hot...the hottest day of the year so far. And, we felt it as Woody had his Kidney doctor appointment today and in the peritoneal part of the clinic there is no waiting wait in your car...we sat in the car with the windows down, the car doors open, and the moon roof open and were still hot. We sat quite a while...not sure how long but guessing at least an hour (they were running behind per usual when the doctor is involved in the apointment). We left the house a little before 10:30am and didn't get home till almost 1pm...and we only live 10 minutes away from the only 20 minutes of that was travel. We were both glad to get home! We both did some resting prior to the game. The game was a close one and ended in a tie. Joseph only has one more game and then play-off tournament next the end of his season is in sight. Elijah plays a few weeks beyond Joseph...but next week will be interesting with lots of games and with both boys playing on the same evening in some instances...should be interesting! Woody's dialysis is going for tonight...and, thus, we come to the end of another day...and, I still have to go put the laet dishes in the dishwasher and hit the start button! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Dr. O told us today that they are seeing Covid cases rising once again...not what we want to hear!

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