Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Over the Hump?

Once again...we are mid week. Time just seems to be flying. I had a lot of good intentions when Ingot up today and started out well...I got Woody disconnected from his dialysis cycled machine, but it sasn't time to drain the last fill yet. Our game was a late one last night and we didn't get his dialysis underway till 10pm. Oh, by the way, good games all around. Joseph's Little League season is just aboutnover and the tournament has started. That is the reason that we had two games last night. Kathy and Isaac went to Joseph's and Nathan and Joy went to Elijah's. Woody chose to go to Eijah's. As we arrived at Elijah's Nathan informed us that Joseph had just hit a triple (cell phones help one to keep up with two games at once!). His team went on to win their game and Kathy, Isaac, and Joseph joined us over in Manchester. Elijah's team won their game in rather wet conditions as rain settled in in their last inning. We managed to get back to our car with Kathy and Nathan's help and we headed back to Tullahoma where it got raining harder the closer we got to Tullahoma. By the time we got home the rain had lightened up and we got back inside withoout getting a whole lot wetter. Woody put the car in the garage, but there is no way in but by using the we I can get the wheelchair out of the car and Woody into the wheelchair in dry conditions, but we have to face a little getting wet between garage door and our back door. We got back in and Woody had his shake while I got things finalized for his nightly treatment and finally got his treatment going for the night. It is nice that we can be a bit flexible with his treatments...have to be daily...but time can be flexible. Woody had his TN Oncology appointment today but not till 12:30pm so we had the morning to "catch up" the time lost by starting late last night. This morning while I waited for it to be time for his last solution to dwell and be time to do the manual drain, I decided to attack the floors that need to be dry mopped..that job I did accomplihs...the kitchen, the three bathrooms, and the sun porch/laundry room. And, that is where my plans to "do floors" stopped, though, I had planned to wet mop them, too. It was time to do the drain and while the draining process happened, I got his breakfast ready to be cooked as soon as he ws free of all dialysis equipment. By the time I got his breakfast in front of him it was close to 11am and time for me to get dressed and ready to get him out the door. By the time it was time to head out for his appointments at Oncology, it was raining again. So we faced the rain getting in and out of the car once again. He was signing into Oncology just a little before his appoointment. I left him in the waiting room and headed back home. It seemed that I had just turned around a couple of times before they were calling to say that he was ready to be picked up. I got a couple of things done...but not what I had planned to clean before he got home. That's will be here to do tomorrow or the next day or..! I napped hard this afternoon after we got back home. The return trip was done in dry conditions. Dealing with a wheelchair in the rain is a bit different...something that we haven't had to do too often since he started using one. Woody has just finished his nightly protein shake and I will now go get his next dialysis treatment set up and ready to go in the next hour. I don't think we have anywhere to go one of those days that "when the treatment ends" isn't as important as on days with appointments. It is interesting how we have changed our tune about appointment times...we used to request early longer...the later in the morning the better...or early afternoon! We just try o roll with the schedule peritoneal dialysis dictates...with us adjusting the times a bit as needed! I'm hoping to put the last stitches in my cross stitch project tonight after dialysis and kitchen duties are behind me! I am close to finishing the stitching and then I can move on to completely finishing it into the object that I have planned. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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