Saturday, January 12, 2019

Low-Key Day

For a change not much happened today.  It has been pretty quiet all day comings or goings.  Woody continued his healing and rehabbing/exercising.  I did make another kind of soup so we would have a choice.  I did a little washing and a little cleaning.  And, I did a lot of napping!  Just about every time I sat down today I dozed off.  I think that my adrenalin rush stopped!  And, of course, we did another antibiotic infusion.  The TV has been off and on.  Woody did his usual two crossword puzzles.  He is now coming upstairs to print them off himself.  He still sits and goes up the stairs that way and then uses the rolling office chair to propel himself around upstairs. Tomorrow we plan to go just to Sunday School.  He has his lesson all planned for his 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade boys.

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