Monday, July 20, 2020

Clean Up: Aisle 13!

I came downstairs to quite a mess this morning. Woody decided last night that he wanted to make pancakes for his breakfast this morning and asked me to get out the recipe that I use. I got out the recipe and got out all the paraphanelia that he needed: bowl, measuring cup, measuring spoons,etc. along with nonperishable items that he would need. One of the items that I got out was a neat pancake batter "distributer" that helps you pour the batter onto the griddle and make less mess. Abigail gave me this neat kitchen tool several years back. I showed him that I had put it out on the counter and told him that all the batter in this recipe would fit into this container. Sometime in the night Woody and I both heard something that sounded like something had fallen. Neither of us knew exactly where the sound came from. Well, Woody got all the batter put together and poured it into the container and took it across the kitchen to the counter next to the stove and all of a sudden all the batter started pouring out of it all over the counter...some on the front of the cabinet and some on the floor. I happened to be at the bottom of the stairs when I heard Woody's SOS! Suffice it to say that side of the kitchen got a thorough cleaning along with the whole kitchen floor. I discovered that the handle had broken and that the metal spring had fallen out...we guess that was what we heard in the night. Woody had never used this item before so didn't realize that the handle wasn't right. Anyway...big mess to start out our Monday! Could have been worse...the thick batter didn't run down between the stove and the cabinet and pretty much stayed up on the counter top except for a small amount. I will say, though, that I have found batter in several other places as the day wore on...handle on the faucet, front of the cabinet under the sink, etc. Now for a report on Wade's mother. She is doing better. The blood transfusion seemed to get her turned around. And, her blood pressure is back to normal. They finally got her out of bed today. She's not in a lot of pain and it doesn't seem to be her hip that hurts but her knee when she tries to put weight on that leg. But all in all her recovery is heading in the right direction. Melany was told when she was at the hospital today that she would be moved to rehab in the next 24 to 48 hours. Melany texted me a little while ago that they are now saying that she will be released from the hospital tomorrow. There is a room in the rehab part of the assisted living facility that she will move to after that is good to be going to the same facility. I haven't given a squirrel update for a while. That is because the count remains at 46. Those last couple of squirrels that we see at time just don't seem to be interested in going into the traps...they just seem to feed around the traps! Over the last few days we have only seen one squirrel at a definitely the squirrel population in our front yard has lessened! I know that Elijah is aiming at 50 so perhaps it is time for him to get those last four out in the backyard. It's up to Elijah if he wants to move the placement of the traps. I know that he would like to reach that elusive 50 total! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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