Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday Confusion!

Today has been a day of changes which ends up spelling confusion to me! First Woody's nephrology office called to change Woody's appointment from Thursday to tomorrow. Which seemed like a good thing at least at first. Nathan wasn't going to be here on Thursday which would mean leaving me one of their phones so we could telemed the appointment. I was dreading that because we don't have an iPhone type gadget so I really don't know even how to answer one much less answer through an app, etc. So I was glad when they called to move the appointment to tomorrow. Woody has an oncology appointment early in the morning and the kidney doctor is mid morning...on that should work out. Melany had planned to come visit with Erin on Friday and pick up a cheesecake from Abigail. Well, Melany found out they were having company on Friday. So she decided to put off the trip here till next week. But...when I went next door to rearrange the cheesecake pick up time with Abigail, I found out that the teenagers are going hiking with the church youth group tomorrow morning and Nathan and Kathy were planning to do something in Murfreesboro while they hiked so they could drop off the cheesecake at Melany's house. And, could I have Isaac and Joseph come over here while they were gone? Oh, wait...the phone doctor appt.?!? Well, they will leave a phone with us so we can still have the appointment! So we are back to the way it would have been if the appointment had been on Thursday...back to me figuring out how to use a phone I have never used before! Totally confused?!? Well, I am! Guess it is best to just go with the flow and whatever happens whenever will be what happens!! Woody is working on writing up a "story" about Elijah's time on a coach pitch team. He has been choosing photos that he wants to use. So this afternoon after lunch I helped him resize them. He also has Joy and Esther doing some little illustrations to put in this story. I delivered a rough draft to Joy this afternoon so they can see where their drawings can fit. Woody has spent quite some time working on this. He wants to give it to Elijah as a memory of his time on a coach pitch team. It's too hot to do much of anything. One load of wash done and put away...garbage can taken to the road...choose from what I cooked over the weekend and yesterday for meals. I sat down next door for a little while and watched a couple of games being played. We have both read. I finished another book and am working on four other e-books and one "real" book. One of these days I will get thoroughly confused with storylines! But I figure it is a challenge for my brain to keep them straight...a challenge for my mind! Woody has started on a new book. Good ways to pass the time on hot summer days! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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