Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

Some traditions can be done remotely! We were able to attend First Baptist, Tullahoma's Christmas Eve service even though we're sitting in a hospital room at Vanderbilt...about 70 miles away. That's a positive thing that came out of Covid...being able to attend church via computer! Woody had dialysis today and he said that he and his dialysis nurse sang Christmas songs during his dialysis. Woody has eaten very well today...or at least much better than he has been. He has enjoyed the pot roast and it is quite good...very tender. He's hoping to sleep well tonight. He slept in the first part of the night last night, but then was awake for the early morning hours carrying on conversations with his care partner about baseball. He had a pain today that they think is gastritis...he has another pill to take! we are still trying to convince nutrition that he can have yogurt. But so far hasn't happened. We will try again in the morning. He was taken to dialysis today instead of them coming to our room. I took a in a shower without missing any doctor visits. Read a little. Texted with family and friends and had a phone call from a friend. When Woody got back to the room I ordered his lunch. He decided that the pot roast sounded good...well, he doesn't care a lot for gravy and when they offered it on the side I said, "okay." Well, his tray arrived with just this little covered bowl on it. The order was put in as: Braised Pot Roast, Brown gravy in a bowl. The words were whoever filled the order read: braised pot roast brown gravy in a he got a bowl of pot roast swimming in gravy...not exactly on the side! I just scraped the gravy away and he ate just about every bite. He did well with his supper, too. So if he likes it...maybe he will start eating a bit more! It is nurse shift change...we have seen a lot of shift changes while we've been here. He has had the nicest nurses, care partners, etc. Everyone is keeping a close on what's going on with Woody. They did an EKG on him while he was on dialysis...I have a feeling because of the pain in his chest this morning. We wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas Eve 2022. To be continued. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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