Friday, November 11, 2011


Special Day! 11/11/11, Veterans' Day AND Esther's Sleepover!!!! We have had quite a day. Nathan brought Esther over to the house and he had hardly left till we were upstairs deciding what ART she would do first. When I said that she could paint, that definitely was her first choice. She painted two pictures and then she decided to do a picture with oil pastels. That satisfied her "art desire" for a while. I started making a list as she and I were going to go shopping after we had lunch. At lunch Goosey (Woody) commented on her shirt which read: "Daddy's Little Princess." Goosey asked her where her crown was...well, she told him that she didn't have one right then and we told him that was what was above the words on her shirt...but Goosey still teased her a bit. Well, the Dollar Tree was one of the places that we needed to stop and what was one of the first thing that we saw...but this crown/tiara and wand! Well, we decided that it would be fun for Esther to go back into the house with a crown on and show Goosey that she now had a crown! And, for a dollar, that seemed like a good idea! So she held onto her tiara and wand while I got the other things that I was looking for. We were shopping for gifts for a 10 to 14-year-old girl to put in the shoe box that we are giving for the Project Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritans Purse. My Sunday School class decided that we would each fill at least one box to add to the goal of 300 shoe boxes that our church has set. So Esther and I had fun choosing things to put in the box. We mainly chose art supply items...guess since Esther was along helping me choose that shouldn't come as a surprise! But that is what I would have chosen anyway so we were on the same wave length!

While we were shopping, Woody took a 4-mile walk. When Goosey came in from his walk, he noticed Esther's crown right away and talked about her crown. One of our errands was to stop at the church and check to see if the church library had a video that Nathan needed. Esther found a video there that was called the "Crazy Mixed-Up Sleep-Over"...well, we definitely had to get that one for her to watch! So when we got home from shopping she watched that. Then she made a birthday card for her little friend. Then it was wait and wait till it was time for the swimming birthday party. She and I watched the clock hands move minute-by-minute the last half-hour prior to time to leave for the party! She had a great time at the party...eating pizza and cupcakes and swimming! She was one tired little girl as we left the party! Her eyes barely stayed open for her bedtime story.

We've had a great 11/11/11. Hope that you have too!

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