Thursday, November 24, 2011

We're thankful for...

We're thankful for roofers who showed up on Thanksgiving Day and got our roof underway. I was also thankful that it was happening the day before our family celebration so we wouldn't have to listen to all the thunking and banging overhead...but...the roof didn't get a matter of fact no shingles have been placed on the roof so we will probably hear quite a bit of noise overhead tomorrow.

Woody went on a walk this afternoon as it warmed up nicely. I have managed to make three pies amongst all the confusion. You still wouldn't know by the way the house looks that we will be having eleven join us for our family Thanksgiving. I have done some more decorating and I keep trying to get things straightened up but interruptions happen...for example tonight's blog...I have been attempting to blog for more than over an hour...more like two and my internet connection keeps coming and going. I will attempt to add tonight's picture when it is behaving better. Right now I had better go work some more on the dining room so we can eat in it tomorrow. Woody has read, napped, and watched football today...and has done a few dishes to help me out in the kitchen!

Ahhhhhhhhh I was finally able to post a picture. I love this picture of Elijah and Esther watching the roofers out Abigail, Joy and Esther's bedroom window. See why we call them "the neighbors!"

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