Sunday, February 19, 2012

Woody's New Sidewalk

Here's a picture of part of the new sidewalk that has been put in on the street that is right behind our house...a street that Woody walks on he has claimed it as "his" sidewalk. He can pretty much stay on sidewalk all the time when he is on his walks that lead towards town...for example when he walks to the prayer room on Tuesday evenings. It also connects to other sidewalks that he also uses for some of his/our walks. Makes it a lot safer to walk on this narrow road that has a ditch on both sides.

We both went to the early service at church this morning. Woody then went to teach his 6th grade boys' Sunday School class. I went to my Sunday School class. We headed home after I found some books that a patron was looking for in the library...I left them for her on a table so she could look at them after church and see if they filled her needs.

Did your house shake this afternoon??? Well, the last of our trees (as in Christmas) came down this afternoon. I have spent a good part of the rest of the afternoon and evening putting things back where they belong...chairs, pictures, decorative items, etc. Things are starting to look a little closer to "normal." The tree box is tucked up against the stairway awaiting Nathan's help in getting it back up the stairs and into the closet. It is a bit awkward for one person to get it back up the stairs...and I'm just not much help when it comes to pushing it back up or keeping it from sliding back down the stairs...and then there is the sharp corner that has to be turned...with all the boxes up against one of the walls...better to have a mechanical engineer with muscle power to help Woody than his weakling wife!

I got a newspaper clipping in the mail from my sister the other day that really made me sit back and think...and feel old! It was about a 60th wedding anniversary that had occurred in my home town in AZ...and the reason that it made me feel old was that I was the flower makes me over 60...right?! I was three...but really almost guess what that makes me "almost." Oh, my......!!!!!! I tried to contact them this afternoon, but so far haven't found anyone at home. I did leave a message. I hope that I get to talk to them. "The Mrs." was a student in my mother's high school Home Ec class in Glendale. Then in later years "the Mr." was my Spanish teacher at the same high school in Glendale. We had such fun times in his class...many fond memories. I hunted and found the pictures of me at the time of the wedding and a few of me and the wedding party. Mother made my dress out of pink organdy...I have one very faded color picture of me in my dress (and a swatch of the pink fabric...which hasn't faded...well, at least I can still tell that it is pink)...the actual pictures of the wedding party are in black and white. I really am old!!!!!!!!!!! I will be feeling much older in a few this point 60 years ago I hadn't turned four yet! It has been fun thinking back over these memories...I do faintly remember being in the wedding. I can remember the priest being so nice to me and telling me exactly what I was to do and that I was to walk to where he was. And, then the memory of my Spanish class is of "the Mr." figuring out who I was in the first week of class...he didn't think that I was his flower girl when his wife recognized my name...because I had dark hair and their flower girl had blond hair...but he found out that I really was the one and the same flower girl despite my hair darkening over the years (oh, my...just thought and now it has lightened again...but not back to blond!). Another fun Spanish class memory is when the Spanish club met at my house and "the Mr." and another high school teacher made all this wonderful Mexican/Spanish food...I can still see it all set up in our kitchen and then we ate out in our backyard and on our patio...that had been recently done with a Mexican theme...big sombrero and other decorative items that we had bought in Nogales, Mexico. Fun memories. The last memory of them that I have is of "the Mr. and the Mrs." attending Woody's and my wedding...they happened to be the first people that I saw as I started walking down the aisle on Daddy's arm towards Woody. (Oh, and now my sister's grandson attends the school where one of "The Mr. and Mrs." sons is the principal.) By the way "the Mr. and Mrs." had ten children and now have 30 grandchildren and six great grandchildren! OK...guess enough nostalgia for one blog!

Woody has been playing Scrabble on our old computer. I bought him the Scrabble game for the computer many years ago got played quite a bit at the start by Nathan, Kathy, Erin, Alex and Woody...but in recent years it has just sat on the shelf in the schoolroom/office. Today Woody asked me where the Scrabble CD was so I found it and he has been playing Scrabble with the computer once again. He went to the evening service at church and is now home relaxing for the rest of the evening. I will work more on the redecorating soon as I post this I am going to go read. I'm enjoying the latest John Grisham book: The Litigators.

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