Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I have resisted changing the templates, etc. for the blog for a while now...but there was a message today that said that change needed to happen or I might lose the posts that I have done. They do say that I can go back to the old way if I want after I make a change. But after taking the time to make the changes I don't think that too many go back to the old way. So this will be probably the way it will be till the next change is forced upon me. I guess maybe after 1665 posts it was time for a change!?! Woody is still having a lot of pain due to his sciatic nerve. He has an appointment to check things out...as a matter of fact he had the initial visit today, he will go back again tomorrow. He has stuck pretty close to the house today except when he needed to go for his appointment this morning and then to run an errand later in the afternoon. He did go to the prayer room at church, but drove rather than walked. I had my first day of school with the children. I had five of the six today. Esther and Joy read, then the four big kids came over for an hour of art. We are studying things about Uganda. Today they learned about the Uganda flag and did a couple of art projects related to Africa and Uganda. Abigail had her reading and sewing time after art. Then after lunch Elijah had his school time. Tomorrow Isaac will have his first day of school. That should be fun! Tonight's photos fit into school...as these are some of the signs in Williamsburg. There are many signs...there was so much illiteracy in Williamsburg back when our country was becoming a nation, that the pictures on the signs told the people what kind of shop it was without having to read any words.

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