Thursday, March 13, 2014

Late Thursday Blog

Oops...almost forgot to blog!  I got called next door to take care of Esther while the rest of them went for evening dental appointments.  Well, not all the children had dental appointments tonight as Esther and Elijah went last week for theirs...Elijah just went to ride in the new seat that they installed in their vehicle today and also to see his little brother, Isaac, have his first check-up at the dentist.  And, of course, Joseph didn't get checked since he doesn't have any teeth!  But the rest of them all came home with a clean bill of health.  Tonight's picture shows Esther with her first completed cross stitch project.  She and I put her rainbow into the top of a pretty jar lid...something for her to put treasures in.  I had school with Isaac this morning.  Then Elijah came over and read to me and then Abigail came and read and then had part of her long Grammy time.  We continued to work on her sewing notebook.  After Esther completed her cross stitch project we started working on her sewing notebook.  We printed pictures. Tonight's blog photo of Esther is one of the ones that we printed for her notebook. Woody went on a walk and also made vegetarian chili today. He has also been watching some March Madness.  After supper, I headed next door and, like I said at the start, about forgot to blog when I got home!  Guess...better late than never?

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