Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I was supposed it have a root canal, but the endodontist said that the tooth couldn't be saved without very extensive other work by another specialist dentist and then there was still no guarantee that it could be saved.  I pretty quickly decided that I would "just" have it pulled.  Not an easy decision on my part who hates anything to do with dentists!  But this was the lesser of two evils...or so it seemed.  So, yesterday, when I got home, Woody called our dentist to set up an appointment.  So late this morning off we went.  I made Woody take me and stay with me!  Which ended up being a good choice, as it was not an easy extraction.  The dentist had a very hard time getting it to come out...an upper molar.  It wanted to hang in there in its rightful place!  In the midst of his "trying with all his might" to get it out, I started to feel sick...perhaps due to the fact he had to use extra medication for me to ever get numb (nervousness makes those numbing medications sometimes not work like they should).  Then when I started to feel sick, I started to feel faint.  I attempted to tell him...but that is hard when you are numb and also when the dentist has his hand in your mouth.  All of a sudden, he tipped my chair back and they were splashing me with cold water...I guess my pallor told him what my mouth didn't communicate.  Once they got my color back a bit, he continued to take a stitch or two and then we were finished and then they had me stay put till I felt like I could get up...told you I was a wimp at the dentist!  Well, it is over...it has taken forever for the numbness to wear off...possibly a good thing!?!  Woody drove to the prayer room at church tonight and on his way home stopped to get me a shake (and him a blizzard). That tasted quite good...one of the perks of the day?  I am feeling "no pain" but feel a bit light headed and a bit loopy due to the pain medication.  Hope that the blog makes sense! I am attempting to blog from the iPad so I don't have to get up.  Blogging from here allowed me access to previous blog pics so I went looking and found this one that I had posted on a previous dentist visit.  Well, I think that I will drift off to "la la land."

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