Wednesday, January 6, 2016

An Epiphany

Quite a few years ago I had an epiphany (an insight into something) and it had to do with the day that some Christian faiths celebrate as the day, that three kings/wisemen came to visit the Christ child, called Epiphany. I was teaching at the local Montessori school and I was telling one of my fellow teachers that I always dreaded New Year's Day because it was the day that I was supposed to start undecorating (Mother usually undecorated on the 1st so it was in my head that I should do it that day.) But it always made me dread the New Year as I just am never really ready to undecorate. My co-teacher said that she never undecorated until after Epiphany on her church calendar...which is January 6th. So her saying that freed me up to not even think about undecorating on the 1st...and then I just start when I feel like it after the 6th. So after today...whenever that urge comes on me to undecorate I will! And, there is no telling when that urge will come upon far I am not tired of the my goal is to have them down by Valentine's Day! Today when I mentioned to Isaac (4 on Sunday) that it was about time for me to start taking the decorations down. He acted sad and said that he really liked seeing our Christmas tree (me too!). Today was a pretty typical Wednesday. I had school. Woody did the Wednesday Krogering. I went to the church library and worked for a couple of hours. Woody did throw in an errand in downtown Tullahoma that he walked to and from (his walk of the day). I was pretty tired after having school most of the morning and then working in the library in the afternoon. So when I got home, I plopped in my recliner planning to read, but soon my eyes closed and I took a bit of a nap. I had turned on the heating pad as I have a bit of a stiff neck/shoulder so probably the extra toastiness made it even easier to nap. A little while ago, Kathy, Abigail, Esther, and Elijah arrived to show off a surprise to Goosey (Woody). I was in on part of the surprise, but Woody had no idea that Elijah was getting glasses for close-up work and reading. Abigail surprised me with a new pair of glasses. I didn't know that she was getting them. She wears contacts most of the time...but she was pretty happy with her new pretty frames. I will see how Elijah's "work" when he comes over to read tomorrow. Woody noticed right off when Elijah turned around to look at him. Elijah was wondering if Goosey would notice that he had them...the reason that he wanted to keep them a secret.

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