Tuesday, January 19, 2016

It's Freezing!

And, to prove tonight's blog title here are a couple of photos of the fountain at our church that I took today. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! It has been very cold these last three days...I "guess" that today was a bit warmer...or at least it got to the freezing mark today...the two days before it never left the 20's for a high and it has gone way down in the teens for lows. I had school this morning. Then right after lunch, I headed off to get my hair cut. On the way home I stopped and took several photos of the frozen fountain. After that I headed to JoAnn's to get some zippers for our zipper pouch maker, Abigail. And, that was enough for me to be out and about in these cold temps. Woody walked to and from the prayer room at church early this evening. He has returned and he said that he didn't freeze.

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