Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Light Dusting

We woke up to light snow flurries and it sticking to roof tops, cars, and leaves...just dry fine powder...but snow before Thanksgiving.  It has really been cold all day too.  I about froze when I emptied the compost bucket and got the mail.  I stayed in except for that "excursion" and when I "saw" Joseph home after his school time.  I literally told him to run ahead and that I would watch him go into his house!  I usually walk him back to his front porch...but didn't today!  Brrrrrrrrrrr!

This is the first evening this season that I have thought that it would be worth the effort of closing all our curtains...we have tie back curtains that I usually leave tied back except for our bedroom.  I still need to go into the school room and the guest room and close those curtains.  I even got out the draft dodger for the door in the family room that goes out to the sun/laundry rooms.  The kitty wasn't too sure of that "snake" at the bottom of "her" door!  Woody said that at first she was afraid of it, but will now go up to it and check it out.

Woody got up enough energy to make his Apple Zucchini Bread today.  We hadn't had it in a while and it really does taste good.  For supper I fried (in a small amount of olive oil) eggplant slices that I dipped in flour, then egg, and finally in Panko bread crumbs.  They tasted really good...nice and crunchy.  I had thought about making myself some Eggplant Parmesan, but in the end just ate several of the slices by themselves.  Maybe with the leftover sliices I will crisp them up and make me a serving of Eggplant Parm tomorrow.

I did manage to work some more on Christmas sewing last night after I blogged.  I hope to do a little more tonight.  I had a nap after I finished cleaning up the kitchen after our supper so I should have enough energy to do a little sewing for a little while.  The kitty is running around getting some energy run off before it is time for her to go to "her room" for the night.  Her wounds do seem to be healing up with this second round of antibiotics.  She is off exploring at the moment. I hear things clinking on a table somewhere up here...she is into something...she is very curious!  Just went to check.  She had gone up on the top of the bookcase in our bedroom and knocked off a tiny sheep (one of three) that "was" on the top.  She is batting it around on the floor in the bedroom.  I will have to keep my eye on it or it will disappear...she did this once the other night and I managed to rescue the sheep after she lost interest!  She is "some cat!"

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