Wednesday, April 29, 2020

More Birdies

Woody headed off to his oncology appointment this morning to get his shots for anemia and B-12.  So that is done for his month.

I ate breakfast and then took my cup of tea and a camera or two out to the front porch to do a little bird watching before the rains set in.  It was very pleasant sitting out there...listening and watching for different birds.  This cardinal landed on a branch almost directly in front of me.  I got a couple of good shots of him.  My main goal was to get a good picture of the little birds that are building a nest in the barn birdhouse.  I wanted to be able to look at the picture and identify them for sure.  I was pretty sure what they were: house wrens...and I was right.

This little bird has the sweetest song.  While out on the front porch, I saw robins, a tufted titmouse, a nuthatch, two beautiful red-headed woodpeckers flying by, a mocking bird, cardinals, the starling that has a nest at the very top of telephone pole that is in our front garden.  The mocking bird entertained me with quite the song.  It was a very pleasant hour or so.  Woody joined me for a little while after he got home from his appointment.

Woody gave me an assignment...make him a cloth face mask.  He said that in Alabama they are requiring you to have a cloth face mask and we are going to make a quick trip tomorrow morning to Alabama so he wanted to meet the we will see if all have face masks where we are going!  I already have a cloth one that I made to use when I go to the grocery store.  I got his made in fairly short order...about an hour of work time.  I'll share our planned adventure in tomorrow night's blog!  

Tonight's borrowed Coronavirus thought:

"Even though we are apart, we will get through this together!" (Unknown)

Stay safe!
Stay well!
Stay home (as much as possible)! 

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