Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Beautiful Early Fall Day!

It has been a beautiful day. Tonight's photos are the first that I have taken with my "new camera" aka iPhone. I got my hair cut this afternoon and took this picture of the back patio of where I get my hair done and then the second one is the lake behind her house, Lake Tullahoma. I will say that the camera on the phone captured the blue of the sky very well. I still prefer a "real" camera, but know that this one will come in handy when I am out and about and don't have a "real camera with me. I am pleased with the quality of the photos. I will be interested in what shape the photos post...I'm not fond of the long skinmy size that phone photos seem to be. When I downloaded these they didn't seem to be long and skinny...will see how they look on the blog after I post. Woody has stayed hoe all day...I know he is glad to have had a stay-at-home day. He is feeling stronger...no longer having so much trouble standing. He has an appointment with the Fresenius nurse in the morning. Tomorrow is a "kinetics visit. I have to collect the solution that drains after each of the cycles. I have the special collection bags all set out on the cycler machine so I won't forget to connect the drain line to them. Another good thing of late...no alarms...at least for the last six nights. He has never had so many days in a row without alarms. The last settings that the Fresenius nurses had us change must have done the trick along with the different way they have him drain now...at the end of the last cycle they are leaving solution in his peritoneum to dwell during the day to help him dialyze better. He does seem to be feeling better as far as nausea, also. So...maybe things are starting to look up!?! We got to see Graham for a little while this afternoon. He had run an errand for me...I had found out that a game store here in town is also a comic book store and that they carry comic board. I want the comic board to use to finish some of my stitched Christmas ornaments. Graham frequents this store and I decided that I would use him as my personal shopper! He was able to get them for me...and at a bargain price...it seems that they usually don't sell these comic board packages...but the person who corresponded with me on FaceBook Messenger had said that they did so they sold me a package that they had...and it was waaaaaay more reasonable than what I had seen online! I like the way my personal shopper shopped such a good bargain for me...he got a good tip for being such a willing and good personal shopper! Thanks, Graham. He came in a visited a while and told us some about his Mechatronics classes at Motlow which are being taught at The University of Tennessee Space Institute. I'm glad that he is enjoying these classes and also glad that he is having most of his classes in person this year rather than online. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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