Wednesday, January 24, 2024

They were Right! I was Wrong!

All the predictions for lots of rain today were spot on! I mentioned last night that we would have a stay-at-home day with no where to we could stay high and dry. Well...I decided to call about getting a consulation appointment that Woody's wound care doctor wanted him to have. I called and she said that we could come in this afternoon at 2pm (100% chance of rain at that time). We hated to pass up the opportunity to have the appointment prior to his wound care appointment on Friday so we trudged out in the rain and drove through pretty heavy rain. The appointment was in a little town just down the road, Estill Springs, which is only about 15 minutes away...but the idea of driving in heavy rain was not my idea of how I wanted to spend any part of our afternoon. But we did and we saw the gentleman about a possible brace for Woody to wear on his leg since the one we have is no longer working. He knows what he wants Woody to use, but...couldn't pin point it while we were there. He is going to continue to search and then text me with the specific one he wants us to order. We came home in even harder rain...but made it safely. We both took naps upon our return! The other thing that happened on our way there was that a light came on about our tire pressure being low. Nathan is coming by to check it after he is finished with church tonight. We don't want to wake up to a flat tire in the morning! It was raining too hard when we got home for me to even look at the tires. Our car is sort of smart...but not smart enough to tell us which tire so he will have to check each one. I'm hoping that it isn't raining when he comes by. The rain had let up when I went out for the mail a little after 5pm...part of Joseph's present finally came if Nathan comes in I will send it Joseph's way. Last I heard Joseph was feeling much better. I was told that the rest of my packages/order would arrive today...but only one package arrived...I wonder if the mailman just missed that it was it was there but only one would fit in the mailbox and he/she didn't want to get out in the rain to put it on the porch...probably will never know! Okay back to last night's discussion that we were trying to pindown the date of Woody's mom's death. My sister came through for us...her detective work online paid off and she found the actual day she died. I had come up with the year and the day that the we had the graveside service, but hadn't come up with the actual date...though at that point it had to be a few days before the service. One of the things that I did today was to put back ALL the file folders that I had gotten out in my futile search. I enjoyed looking through the files...lots of memories in each file case our children end up wondering why their mother kept what she kept in each of these file folders! Doubt that as many memories come to them when they come to cleaning out the things that I have kept over the years! I have told them...not to wonder why I kept anything...mostly just get rid of things without even looking at them unless they have their family's name on them...or probably it would be good to look in the year folders as they have misc. things in them that have to do with both their families...I have gotten rid of some things. I used to clip lots of recipes from magazines and would go through them when looking for something new and different to try...but these days I don't feel that I need those as I can easily look for recipes online for just about anything that I want. I have gotten rid of "some" of my recipe book collection...but still hold onto the special ones and probably some that I don't need to keep, but just haven't seen fit to part with "yet!" If I got rid of more I could free up more upper cabinet space...maybe one day I will get rid of more when I can't figure out what to do with something that I need a space for in the kitchen...but until then I have them to look through when the whim strikes...I use one shelf of cookbooks often...the top shelf...not so much. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Tonight's photo is taken out our back window showing all the standing puddles in the back yard...puddles everywhere some look like ponds and some look like streams. Lots of rain and more coming over the next days...oh, boy. Weatherbug says 100% chance of rain in the morning at 6am when we head to dialysis. But the temperatures are very mild...upper 50s today so at least we aren't freezing when outside!

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