Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Bidding Farewell to January!

I decided that today was a good day to bid farewell to the winter corner tree and get ready to welcome February. I took off all the snowmen and snowflake ornaments and replaced them with hearts and other red and white with a bit of pink sprinkled in ornaments. It still isn't complete...I don't think. I have a couple of other additions in mind plus will add a more appropriate tree skirt (which doesn't show in the photo). The blue and white tree skirt with snowflakes and a snowman doesn't bother me when I am just sitting here, but when I photographed the tree and it showed, it sort of stuck out like a sore I will look in the fabrics that I have, but will probably go buy some Valentine yardage and scrunch it around the base of the tree. I still have to work on the Valentine display in my antique scoop. But at least I have the transition started. The winter ornaments are all packed back up in their box. I will leave out the trees and other snowmen that I have out, as winter is still very much still with us. I continued to work on organizing recipes today...I am closer to having them all in one recipe notebook or another so they aren't floating loosely all over the place. My other accomplishment of the day was getting a haircut. I'm always glad when haircut day of my favorite days out of the month! I did stitch a little more last night on my Bristol sampler and the alphabet now has an "A", a "B", and half of a "C". So moving along...but ever so far to go! I'm not sure how many complete alphabets this sampler has...but quite a least five before I can start on several styles of numbers. Woody has had a quiet day...crossword puzzles and TV and resting. I got a bit of a late start on supper. He wanted tacos and I needed to make the meat concoction for the tacos. That is done. He has enjoyed his tacos and now all that is left for me to do is put away the taco fixings and get the dishes into the dishwasher and wash the rest by that point our day is about done. I still need to dress his leg wound and put antibiotic cream below the wound on his lower leg. Then we can call it the end of another day...and, today can call it the end of another month. Tomorrow we will begin anew...both for the day and month! We'll be up and going early again in the morning. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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