Monday, October 18, 2010

Mellow Monday

It has really been a pretty day here in Middle Tennessee. Woody got up early and proceeded to start reading and read on into the afternoon...stopping only for meals. He's really enjoying the fact that he can read for long spans of time now that he is retired. I got up and headed into the sewing room. I have done some quilting on Joy's quilt and have done some planning for what I am going to do after I finish the echo quilting (tracing around shapes on the quilt = echoing the shape with stitches a small distance away from the shape) that I am doing on it now. Woody didn't just read all day...he did clean up the kitchen for me. Oh, and he walked to the mail box. After lunch I ran errands and then came home and made chili. I attempted to make hotel reservations in Bethesda for our next NIH visit (two weeks away), but I wasn't successful in getting the reservation person to find the correct rate for NIH will try another time/day with a different reservation person till I am successful! Woody is now at Monday night prayer meeting. He is making progress in healing after his fall...his mouth remains sore...his left hand/wrist/arm seem to be okay.

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