Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My goal for today was to finish "the dress." Well, perhaps by the end of the day, but not in time to blog. The only thing left to do is the hem and it is pinned up. So...maybe...but I am pretty tired. I didn't sleep all that much last night and then I got up early and started in on the dress. I have pretty much sewed all day. Woody didn't walk this morning because he walks to the prayer room at church on Tuesday evenings. That's where he is right now. He also got up early and read. Later in the morning he did some things outside. One of the jobs that he did was to wash off the rockers on the front porch. I am planning to make some pillows for them and I wanted them all white rather than all dusty/dirty! Woody made another batch of Freezer Dill Pickles this morning. The cucumbers just keep coming in! He picked a really big tomato from our garden today...so far most of the tomatoes that we have gotten have been from Nathan and Kathy's garden. I had a BLT for lunch using a fresh tomato. Woody is enjoying Tomato hummus sandwiches.

I heard a commotion downstairs at one point today and went down to see what was going on. Woody had gotten stung by a wasp while he was sitting in his recliner! I made a paste of baking soda and water to put on his sting and as the day wore on Woody seemed none the worse for wear! Speaking of flying insects...Melany is our bug expert and she thinks that perhaps the subject of last night's blog picture might be a robber fly. We're still now sure. I looked robber flies up...there are a lot of different varieties...those pictured didn't look just like my sewing room visitor...but maybe that is what he was. The only thing humming in my sewing room today has been my sewing machine!

1 comment:

  1. Try meat tenderizer on an insect sting. it works!
