Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can You Believe It?

It is so hard for me to believe, but school started in Tullahoma today. On a day that according to Weatherbug got to over 100 degrees. (That's like starting school in Sept. in AZ (except less humidity in AZ)...oh, I can remember being so hot walking back home from the high school on those first days/weeks of school! The heat probably didn't get to me when I was in elementary school since I only lived two blocks away...but the high school walk was a longer distance away...but walking with friends made it not seem so long...especially when my friend's grandmother made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world! mmmm I can taste them now, Carla!)

Woody got up before the temperatures rose too high and walked his eight-mile route. He came home and watered some of the gardens. Later in the morning he went to the local farmer's market and also stopped at the grocery store and picked up a couple of things that we had run out of (like bread...not good when Woody likes tomato sandwiches so well!). I did manage to finish Abigail's dress last night. Yeah! This afternoon another church librarian and I worked in the library for a couple of hours.

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