Monday, January 23, 2012

Some Good Days and Some Not So...

I was in the mood to post a sunset yesterday so went back into my "photo archives"...well, tonight this is the sky at the end of our archives tonight! This has not been the best day for Woody. He once again has had yesterday a pretty good day and today not so... He is missing out on sleep. So this afternoon he has made up for it (at least I think so). Sometime between 3 and 4pm he went upstairs. I thought that he had gone up to work on the computer. When he didn't come down in a while, I checked on him when I went upstairs. And, he was in the bed...sawing logs. Now he has just come downstairs (8pm) and he "claims" that he slept not a bit. comment on my part. Well, I will comment... any time that I went up to take a filled box up to the hallway, I could still hear what I thought was someone sleeping. I didn't even want to go into our room to get my book as I didn't want to disturb him. While he slept I continued to undecorate...a slow but sure process. I can almost see the tops of several tables, cabinets, etc.

This morning Woody and I went next door while Nathan, Kathy, Esther, Elijah and Isaac went for an appointment. We mainly worked on school lessons. Since our time was a bit off and I did other school lessons with Abigail and Joy, Graham didn't come over to do his sewing till after lunch. He was determined to use a new treasure that he was given last antique darning egg. He had a sock that had a hole in he now knows how to darn (not high on most sewers' lists!). He really picked it up once he realized that it was just like weaving. After he fixed his sock, then he got out the new lap loom, that they got as part of the pickle present this year, and did a bit of weaving. And, then after he left I rested a bit in the glider rocker in the family room and then got busy undecorating.

Woody does say that his pain is somewhat less since he "rested" for the last four or so hours.


  1. Beautiful sunset! Hope Woody continues to improve. Sounds like you are making good progress on the Christmas decorations.

  2. Oh, meant to say, how cool is that that the little one wanted to learn to darn! So neat that you are able to pass along so many skills to them.
