Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day Of Rest

Well, more so a day of rest for me than Woody. He walked six miles early this snapping turtles today! Then after lunch he walked his 4-mile route and he said that it was HOT!!!!! He said that he sought shade and needs to find a shady route for these hot days. We went to the early service and then to Sunday School. Woody went intending to teach Sunday School...but no sixth-grade boys today...guess they were away for the long weekend. I have done as little as possible and stayed inside. I have read, done some things on the iPad,talked to my sister on the phone...oh, and started marinating our meat for our cookout tomorrow. After I post a picture with the blog I am going downstairs and make the cooked dressing for coleslaw for tomorrow's meal and turn the meat over in the marinade. Woody is going to slice the cabbage and grate the carrots in the food processor for the slaw. (If there are funny typos in my blogs of late...chalk it up to the iPad correcting more than just often changes seems to be trying to think for me!)

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