Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Woody walked seven miles early this morning. Then after lunch he walked to the fruitnandnvegetable market to buy tomatoes. Then this evening he walked his 4-mile route. Woody also mowed some today. He has also read some a d worked his crossword puzzle for the day and played some Scrabble with the computer. I did a little sewing before I headed off to the church library to work several hours. We completed quite a stack of books for circulation. I came home fully intending to do some more sewing,nut so far I haven't found my way back to the sewing room. I just walked around the flower gardens deadheading while I talked to Melany. It was her last day with it is just about all over but the shouting for another school year for her. Erin helped her do some of the last of the year tasks today. I think that both Erin and Alex are going to help their mother tomorrow. Lots of putting away in an art room at the end of the year. This evening I was looking at Facebook and came across old photos that my mother was in as a young of my cousins (who I have never met) had posted them and tagged one of my cousins who is one of my Facebook they had popped up for me to see!  Memories! I sent a couple of the photos to my sister...she just called and said that one of the pictures of our mother looks like me...I'll have to go look again!

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