Monday, October 6, 2014

Frost One Day, Storms the Next

There was frost on the roofs in our neighborhood yesterday morning and this morning we were having a thunderstorm with hail...typical "back-and-forth" weather for us here in Middle Tennessee.  Woody went for a four-mile walk early and got back home just before the storm hit. The storm let up just in time for Isaac to come over for his school time.  Since we didn't know if we were going to get more rain and storms,  Elijah came on over and he hung out with Goosey (Woody) while Isaac and I had school.  Elijah and Goosey played a game of Junior Monopoly and read a story.  I walked Isaac back home and then came back for Elijah's time. Esther read to me next and then Joy read to me.  Then Abigail came and we got busy sewing.  Her dress is starting to look like a dress after today's sewing session.  After lunch Graham came over to read and then Elijah came back and had his long Grammy time.  Today he built something with K'nex following the directions all by himself.  I just had to help him snap one piece on.  After he finished with that he asked if he could paint.  So he painted for a while...mainly mixing colors. Oh, and he did paint the handle of one of the wooden paint brushes. When it dries he plans to paint the other side.  I rested for a bit after school was over for the day.  Then I headed downstairs to make a casserole for tonight's supper. Woody planted garlic in our garlic bed this afternoon. After we ate, Woody went next door to grandchild sit for a little while. I am contemplating going downstairs and finishing up a job that I started over the weekend...I have a small area of carpet to do before my rug shampooing job can be considered complete.  Just not sure that I have the energy.  But there won't be time to do it tomorrow as we will be leaving here VERY early to go to Vanderbilt for Woody's 3-week follow-up PET Scan, labwork and appointment to see the doctor.  His original appointment for the PET scan was at 7:45am...that was early enough, but this morning they called and moved it to 7:15am.  Guess we will be getting up with the birds in the morning? Another long day of sitting around and/or lying in a scan machine waiting for things to happen at Vandy!

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