Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Out of the Nest!

Our very observent grandchildren noted this morning that there was a baby bird in their backyard. Then when several were escorting Isaac to our house for his school time, they spotted one of the little birds still in the bush at the front of our house...when next they walked by, he was no longer there. The two of the three that we saw ended up in Nathan and Kathy's backyard...perhaps at the urging of their parents. Perhaps not the safest of places for small little birds to be hopping around...with lots of little people feet in that yard too...but the children stayed out of the backyard till there was no sign of the little birds. We wish them swift wings! The nest on the side of our house is still being attended by the parents...they still have some growing to do...but it won't be long till they will fly away too. Woody did his Krogering fairly early this morning...before 8. The rest of the day he has spent a lot of time puttering around in the gardens. Today has been a discovery day of seeds sprouting...some of Joy's green beans are showing themselves. Joy planted more green beans today. For school we spent a good part of lesson time and reading time on the front porch...either bird watching and/or reading. Esther had her long time with me today...she did more on her cross stitch picture and we also figured out what size pattern to use for her pair of shorts. Graham will have his long time with Goosey at another time as Graham had an orthodontist appointment today during their time. After lunch, I headed off to the church library. Donna, Fran and I were kept very busy with the new book orders...processing is underway. I stopped at the public library on the way home to get the next book in the series that I am reading. When I got home Joy, Esther, and Elijah were on the front porch...they were forming a bird watching club! Esther was dropping bird seed along the walkway to attract the birds. Joy was showing them pictures of various birds in one of the bird books. She had a spiral notebook. Elijah got my older point and shoot camera so they could take pictures of birds. I'm not sure if the camera or the birds are a bigger draw for Elijah! It's that time of the year to form clubs...summer vacation is upon week is our last week of school for this year...this year has passed by so quickly.

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