Friday, July 31, 2015

Bye, Bye, July!

Tonight's picture is of the rooflines of Union Station in Nashville. This was the view we had as we headed from the car to The Frist Center yesterday. Woody got up and walked four miles this morning. It has been less humid today so the mid eighties didn't seem as hot as they do sometimes. Woody mowed several different times today. I got up and finished the tank/muscle shirt for Elijah. Then I headed back to read some more in my new Italian Fashion book. The history behind the Italian fashion industry is quite interesting. I haven't gotten very far in the book...did finish the introduction...BIG lots of words on a page...that is if the page isn't a lovely photo. At some point I put away things that I had gotten out to make Elijah's shirt...trying to keep the sewing room a little clean after I worked so hard to get it that way! Kathy and I did sit this afternoon and talked about a couple of different for two days and a night next week when Goosey (Woody) and I will be taking care of the children while Nathan and Kathy attend a NAMB (North American Mission Board)Conference. The other schedule we discussed was about my part of their homeschooling. I think that we got the school schedule worked out. And, the schedule for the two days next week will probably get figured out as we go through those two days and a night! I think that my busy day yesterday caught up with me this afternoon as there was a time that I just couldn't move I was so sleepy...I would try to watch something on my iPad or read...and my eyes would just close. I have napped off and on and I still feel like I could go to sleep at any moment! Guess I had better post this blog before I doze off! Well, on that note I will bid adieu to July...when next we "meet" it will be August.

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