Friday, November 27, 2015

Beautiful Start to our Friday

Such a pretty sky this morning. The top picture is what we saw this morning from the front windows of the house and the second is what we saw out the back windows. Woody awakened me this morning when he came upstairs looking for one of his medications. Since I was awake I decided that I might as well get underway with my day! I spotted the moon out of the back window when I went out to put some clothes in the drier...or take some out...not sure at this point of the day! Later in the morning I did our weekly grocery shopping...on Black Friday no less! But I guess that Gray Thursday must have helped as none of the lines were too bad. I wasn't too sure about shopping at WalMart on this day, but sailed right through. They actually had just about all their check-out lanes opened...something that almost never happens in our WalMart. After WalMart I went to Kroger. Then headed home and put away the groceries with Abigail's help. At that point it was time for lunch. Mid afternoon I called the pharmacy to see if they had Woody's syringes. They did so I headed their way to get those. So I have had a busy day of running errands...about did me in! Woody did take a walk around the block today. I asked him how it was and he said, "Slow, I didn't know that I could walk so slowly around the block!" He said that the walk made him feel better and didn't hurt so much after his walk. He is still having quite a bit of pain. Late afternoon Isaac came over...he is so happy...he can now open the door and get in our house! (Katie, bar the door!!!) He came over to check to see if I was finished resting and I was so we did a little getting ready for Erin to come stay. He helped vacuum the guest room and I dusted and put away some of the sewing things that the girls and I had out. I did manage to "finally" give Woody his injection last was not easy. It will be time shortly for his second injection...oh, boy. Hope I can do it again! I have to go get out the big roasting pan so I can get the turkey in the oven in the morning (my only cooking part of this Thanksgiving dinner). Hope I can hoist it into the oven on my own in the morning...that is usually Woody's job...but not this year with a "no lifting anything" edict riding over his head. Off to get the pan out. Tomorrow night I will be waddling in here to post news of our gobbling good day!

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