Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dreary Wednesday

There are several reasons that it has been a dreary day...the weather and the fact that Woody continues to be "under the weather" due to a kidney stone. This has been pretty much a "do-as-little-as-possible" day for Woody. He feels pretty miserable and hopes that this attack will be over as quickly as possible. He did say earlier today with a slight smile that "this too will pass." And, I'm sure that he hopes that I can title tomorrow night's blog that in the past tense! I continued with my sewing marathon today. It is actually in the shape of a blouse/top tonight. The next step is cutting a lot of bias strips and making piping. I got surprised when Kathy came to pick up their mail this morning. I hadn't expected them to be home till sometime today and they came in last night. Abigail came over and had her sewing time. She is making good progress on her Christmas sewing projects. After lunch Joy and Elijah came over and played for a while in the living room. Then this evening Abigail, Isaac, and Joseph came over and played for a little while. We stayed in the living room to let Goosey (Woody) rest. A little while ago we got our friendly automated call from Vanderbilt reminding us of next week's appointments...surely it isn't time for another Vandy trip already! I haven't reminded Woody...yet...I figure he has enough on his mind at the moment without having to think about those appointments. We got our share of rain earlier in the day and it never brightened up...definitely the day reflected how Woody has felt. Guess I will publish this and go check on him!


  1. Prayers that he will soon feel better.

  2. Gregg has been hospitalized several times with kidney stones and the problems they can bring. Hopefully, this one will pass quickly! Prayers going his way!
