Saturday, May 14, 2016

It Takes a Village!

From the above picture it looks like it took quite an effort or at least concentration on the part of quite a few in our family to get my Mother's Day present from the Proctor's put together! It finally did get put together and immediately the little boys decided that it will be a great addition to outside riding/pull toys!
Once the tractor seat gardening seat got put together, Melany used it to plant the flowers that they gave me. She had planned to come and weed for us and she did do some weeding, but it was a pretty chilly day and got chillier as the day went on. After lunch, Woody and Alex went to Elijah's ball game. Elijah's team had another great game. Melany, Wade, Erin and Alex stayed till late afternoon. After they left, I pulled my new gardening seat over to one of the gardens and finished deadheading the plants that I had started while Melany and Wade were planting. It was nice to be able to do that without having to bend over to do the task. We are settling in for a quiet evening. My next task is to go finalize the Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. I had a nice day celebrating Mother's Day for the second time!

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