Tuesday, May 24, 2016

More Super Heroes & More Baseball!

Woody has rested but done quite a bit too...he has faithfully done his rehab exercises...he harvested the rest of the garlic (thanks in part to the new tractor gardening seat)...drove to the prayer room...and then went to Elijah's baseball game. He continues to have to use the walker, but he did think that today he was a bit better as one hurt had gone away...at least for part of the day. I had school with the children. It was Joy's turn to have a "Grammy long time." It was decided that was a good time to make her a super hero mask. She cut out the mask shapes and I glued fabric around the two pieces and then sewed the two pieces together. That job took a bit longer than her time so I finished it for her. Not long after I got her mask finished, Isaac showed up with a white t-shirt so I could make him a "Compost Boy" shirt with short sleeves. He and I did that. Then it was time for me to rest...if I was going to be able to go to Elijah's game! It was another good game...at least for our team...12-0. Elijah was a super hero with his hitting again tonight. He was lead-off batter for the first time and did that place in the batting order proud. He really knows how to keep his eye on the ball (I'll bet that being able to juggle five balls has a lot to do with knowing how to keep his eye on the ball!) and his hits are going farther and farther. Good job, Elijah! We are home and settling in for the rest of the evening. It has been a rather busy day.

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