Saturday, May 28, 2016

Taking a Knee for Elijah

Tonight's photos are in chronological order...first the coach is pitching to Elijah, middle Elijah gets an RBI base hit, and the third is just after Elijah got to second base...the ball was thrown to second but instead of one of the other team's infielders catching it, Elijah "took it" in the middle of his back. When a player gets hurt all the other players (both teams) "take a knee" (kneel down on one knee) to show respect for the injured player. As soon as Elijah was up and ready to go again, each player was back on their feet ready for the next play, too. Elijah is fine...said that it hurt, but then ready to get back in the game. This has been a pretty busy day for me. I got up fairly early and got the beans on to boil. I wanted them ready to go in the oven before I headed out to do "Woody's Saturday errands." Once the beans were in a slow oven and I rested for a few minutes, I was off to WalMart, Lowes, and the library. When I got back, I brought the groceries in and put them away. While I was gone, Woody made the coleslaw for Monday. He said that he took it slow and easy. He also cooked corn on the cob for our lunch. So he isn't "just" sitting around. The game was a late afternoon game. On the way home, we went back to WalMart as somehow I managed to not get home with the canteloupe that I bought. I would have ignored it but it was part of some groceries that I was buying for a friend. We had hamburgers for supper along with a couple of bites of the baked beans (just to make sure that they were edible!). Now I am going down to attack the kitchen...that is if I have enough energy left!

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