Tuesday, December 6, 2016

He Couldn't Wait!

Joseph went shopping with his mommy today and chose my Christmas present. As soon as he got home he and his mommy came over with it and wanted me to open it right away. He was so excited. You need to make the photo larger by clicking on it so you can see the cute snowman that he picked out for me all by himself. It is lighted...so we can say that Grammy and Goosey has "a light" on their Christmas tree! He is a great present chooser! He loves to lie on the floor and just look at the ornaments...he will move around the whole tree just looking. He told me that he found an empty branch yesterday...guess he took care of that empty branch today! Tuesday is sort of an open school day at the moment since Kathy's Bible study isn't meeting. I decided that I would have the little boys come over and then do a little shopping before it was time for Abigail and Joy to come over to read after lunch. Joseph and I got busy with his usual lessons and then he started talking about cylinders. We had a lesson yesterday and found several things in the school room that were cylindrical in shape. So today when he mentioned cylinders I decided that we would go searching around the house for some. In the kitchen I had him open the cabinet that is our pantry...and the top shelf is loaded with cans...so he had a great time pulling some our and rolling them around. Goosey (Woody) had the idea that he could take out all the cans as we needed to go through them and choose what we were going to give to White Christmas this Sunday. So he proceeded to have great fun finding all the different sizes of cylinders...and discovering the fact that they all roll. He had them rolling all over the kitchen. Isaac showed up and, of course, it turned into a Tom Sawyer job (when Tom got everyone else to white wash the fence)...a job that just looks so fun that others want to do it with/for you. So the two boys had great fun getting out the rest of them and rolling them. When they got them all out then I had the idea of sorting them into groups of "what was in the cans." Isaac mostly did that job. Then the children and Goosey went down the row of stacked cans and chose the ones that we will give for White Christmas. Fun, Learning, and Giving all wrapped up into one lesson about cylinders!
I ate an early lunch and then headed down to our local drugstore that has lots of great gifts. I managed to "just about" get my shopping done for my AZ relatives. Now to get one thing sewn and another bought and I think that we will be ready to wrap and get their package off in the mail. As soon as I finish blogging I will head to the sewing machine. I did manage to finish sewing several other gifts last night. So I guess I am on that last minute Christmas sewing roll/binge! Isaac spent the afternoon over here...he is happy that he can once again come over and spend time with Grammy and Goosey...the end of last week I placed "a ban" on them coming over till after the party as I just needed to concentrate on last minute things for the party. I know that he especially is happy to be able to spend more time over here. He enjoyed playing with the various manger scenes that we have that are okay for the children to play with. Woody accomplished a major Christmas goal today...he got our Christmas letter written, copied, put letters into cards and stuffed them into envelopes, addressed them,stamped them, and put them in the mail box to be picked up by our mail carrier! Good 'tis the season job done! Woody walked to the prayer room this evening and has returned. He is settling in for the evening. I took a nap while he was gone...so guess I am good to go for a while with my sewing! 'Tis the season!

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