Thursday, February 15, 2018

Spring is Popping Up!

Today Woody asked me to get my camera and come out to take a picture of some flowers.  Our dwarf  Iris are up and blooming...a promise of Spring being just around the corner!  I'm sure we will have lots of back and forth between cold and warm over the next weeks before Spring is officially here.  Today was one of those warmer days...pretty nice...cloudy for part of the day but the sun did peep out.

I had a usual last day of my school week.  Joseph made words with the alphabet for the first time...way to go, Joseph!!  Isaac was still into changing his money into different forms.  Today he was down to almost no change...just fives and ones in bills and a couple of quarters and a penny.  Well, after lunch, he came back over with his wallet and decided that he wanted to change one of those dollar bills into 100 pennies!  So he counted out 100 pennies, handed me a dollar and crammed all 100 pennies into his wallet...once again he has a heavy wallet!  He used the pennies from the school room so after he got out 100 pennies from the penny container, I decided that I would empty my wallet from most of the pennies and put them in the penny container for school.  We use the pennies for subtraction.  So now my wallet is a bit lighter than it was yesterday. Elijah and I had his long time today.  Joy joined us at Elijah's invitation.  They found out about bouancy using two little mandarin peeled and one unpeeled.  They found out that the unpeeled one floated while the peeled one sank to the bottom.  Joy then wanted to add salt to the water to see if she could make the peeled one float...and with enough salt she did!  She had learned that in her science experiments that she has been doing in her science lessons this year as a 7th grader in her home schooling curriculum.  The other experiment that did was make a bubble solution that made unbreakable bubbles.  They had a great time.  Grammy did have to mop the floor after that experiment!

Woody took in the laptop this morning for the computer geek to work his magic on...once again.  The geek thinks that it is a problem with Google.  He is going to try to install a different search engine.  He thinks Google has done something in latest upgrade that makes it not compatible with our older laptop.  We will see!  Hopefully he won't have to have it long.  I need it to plan the quilting designs I will use on Joy's quilt...had hoped to do that planning this weekend.

Since it was nice out, Woody and I spent a little time getting to know the neighbor kittens so they will know us when we have to care for them when the neighbors are away on their juggling ministry trips.  Woody told Esther when he gave her the kitties that he would take care of them when Esther and her family are away.  They are very sweet kittens.  You can tell they are getting lots of love.

Woody walked four miles this afternoon.  He also did some raking today...taking advantage of the warmer temperatures.

Well, I'm off to the Olympics!

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