Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Mumblings

Today we have both done a little of this and a little of that...and probably not much any of any of those things.  Woody did a little mowing...that is all he can do for a couple of reasons.  1)The mower only starts once each morning these days! 2) Woody doesn't mind as that little he does in that one time is about all he can do as it wears him out!  After he did his little mowing, he and I went to Lowe's to get a couple of plants and also to look at appliances.  I at least have their pricing, though I would prefer not to get the appliances from them or any big box store.  I still didn't hear from "my" appliance man, but since he didn't have any information on Friday, I hated to call him back today.  I do think that I have chosen the appliances that I want.  One step closer...but now need to firm up these choices with the contractor so he can redraw our plans to fit chosen appliances.

We did get a couple of herb and one flower for the back patio planters.  I actually did the planting of those. (I'm not much of a gardener!). I used the new garden tools that the neighbor grandchildren gave me for Christmas...came in very handy!  I also used the special glove that they gave Woody—a glove with claws on the four fingers.  Really made the digging easy for me.

Woody planted all the seedlings that he and Nathan had started seeds in styrofoam all the styrofoam cups have been removed from the back patio.  I think they were green pepper plants.

I managed to finish the guest/hall bathroom today when I washed the shower curtain and hung it back up.  Now to choose flooring for the bathrooms, sun porch/laundry room, and kitchen.  I am hoping to make that choice this week.  I am taking advantage of another Spring Break from school this week and trying to tie up loose ends for our renovation.

Tomorrow Woody will be going back to Vanderbilt for a re-do of a CAT scan because there were questions with the previous one.  We and doctor are pretty sure that the "iffy one" was due to being
done so soon after his surgery and the fact that he still had the infection in his leg. He has the scan
and then sees his melanoma labs scheduled.  And, we don't have to go off at the crack of dawn this time so hopefully we can avoid Nashville rush hour at both ends of the day.

Woody is at the Monday night Furnace Room prayer meeting now.  He should be home shortly and
then we will settle in for another of our usual quiet evenings.  I'm heading down to run the dishwasher and get towels out of the dryer to fold...then I am going to settle into my recliner with a good book!

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