Thursday, February 20, 2020

Spring One Day...Winter the Next

We had snow flurries for a good part of the morning...sometimes coming down pretty thick.  But none stuck to the ground or the roads in our part of town at least.

Woody and I ventured out to go to the dentist.  It was as I feared...I will have to have the tooth pulled.  For the time being I am on antibiotics to clear up the infection and will get it pulled next week.

The rest of the day we have pretty much stuck close to our recliners.  I have read and watched some programs on my iPad and napped.  Woody has done his usual daily crossword puzzles, watched some tv, read, and attempted to nap.  He claims at times that he doesn't sleep during the day...but let's just say I have caught him snoring in his chair at least once each day!

Well, I'll keep you posted on whether it is more spring like or winter like...around here at this time of the year it is a back and forth battle between winter and spring.  I guess it is okay that winter still has us in its grips since it is still officially winter!  Guess we can't least not yet...but give it another month and Spring will be official...then winter can step back!

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