Friday, March 13, 2020

Busy Friday

If you look closely at tonight's photo, you can spot another barn quilt block on the far side of the silo.

Woody left before 7:30 this morning to go pick up his friend and take him to a doctor appointment in McMinnville. When they got home, they ran errands.  Before Woody got back home, his friend was calling to say that he had forgotten to ask Woody to take him to pick up his medicine.  I met Woody in the driveway before he got out of the car so he wouldn't have to walk in and walk right back out!  Woody had to wait quite a while to get the prescription as they had made error with the name.  So he was gone quit a while for the last part of that errand running.  He came home and rested for a while and then went to get our groceries.  He said that the store was covered up with people...and that definitely that our stores are no different than stores in other towns and toilet paper or paper towels!  He said that there had been a run on pasta, too.  When I talked to Melany this evening, she said that the reason for no pasta is that many people mainly eat out and that pasta is one thing that they can cook...boil a box of pasta and open a jar of spaghetti sauce and voilĂ ...dinner!

Since I knew that Woody would be away from the house for quite a while today, I decided to clean the family room aka his room.  So I vacuumed, dusted, spot cleaned the rug,  cleaned the bathroom, generally picked up and ran a load of his clothes.  He usually does his own wash, but it isn't easy for him to get a full clothes basket, his walker and himself into the laundry I decided to "be nice" today!  I also made some more of his sweet red pepper sauce aka Woody's ketchup.  Made enough to freeze some.

I got a nice surprise in the mail from my sister Cheryl today...a Spring decoration...a cute carton of carrot eggs!  Receiving that package got me to get out some bunnies and eggs and do some decorating in the kitchen.  Just put the decoration tub away and put out the last bunny a few minutes ago.

Melany called to give me her update on the Corona Virus in her neck of the woods...Murfreesboro, TN (45 min. away).  She got word late this afternoon that her school is closed at least for a week.  Wade's work has told all their workers except for a few to work from home next week.  Melany had planned to come see us this weekend but decided that it would be best not to come.  She works in a school...a very good place to pick up a bug or two or three!  She has to be careful because the medication she takes for her Crohn's disease compromises her immune system.  So she is glad that they are out.  She said that she won't come here  to not take a chance of bringing something to her daddy.

Nathan and Kathy checked in over our Alexa echo (or whatever she is called).  They were checking on us to see if all was okay.  They thought maybe they shouldn't come over our way.  We decided that we will wait till Sunday to decide about school over here next week.  I'm not that concerned about the kids having school here, but we will see.  There has been the first case of Corona Virus reported in our county now.  Motlow has cancelled classes...well, they will do all their classes online. I think Nathan said, till after the beginning of April at least. Little League has cancelled practices.  And, hopefully will be able to start the season around April 6th.  At this point our church is having services this Sunday...but time will tell!  Looks like Middle Tennessee and little Tullahoma are falling right into the midst of the Pandemic.  I just sit here and look on in amazement...especially about the toilet paper shortage!!!

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